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Scylla Anomaly Detection and Behavior Recognition

Scylla Anomaly Detection and Behavior Recognition system can detect a wide range of anomalous events from surveillance cameras, including fighting, smoke and fire, shoplifting, wrestling and vandalism.

Solution Type: Video Analytics
Targeted Industries: Banking and Finance, Retail, Healthcare, Government Facilities, Safe City, Utilities, Energy and Mining, Manufacturing and Industrial, Public Transport, Sport and Leisure, General
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Solution Description

Scylla Behavior Recognition system allows security professionals to detect and identify a wide range of anomalous events and disruptive threats in real-time. Scylla Anomaly Detection and Behavior Recognition can detect incidents and events from your security cameras creating a proactive and predictive environment. Among the anomalous events that we work with there are fighting, smoke and fire, shoplifting, wrestling and vandalism
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User Benefits

  • Create a proactive environment by identifying anomalous events
  • Analyses multiple streams with the ability to analyze 24h of video within minutes
  • Allows for real-time event and environment tracking and awareness
  • Can be utilized in public areas
  • Centralized control

Key Features

  • Smoke and fire detection
  • Fighting detection
  • Shoplifting detection
  • Vandalism detection
  • Wrestling detection

Solution Architecture

Hikvision Product Compatibility

Network Camera

PTZ Camera



Intelligent Traffic


Parking Management

HikCentral Professional

Technical Details

Partner Product Name: Scylla Anomaly Detection and Behavior Recognition

Partner Product Version: NA

Hikvision Product Models and Firmware Versions: NA

Integration Protocol: HCNetSDK, ISAPI, ONVIF


Regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa, North America, Oceania

Languages: English

About Scylla

Scylla is the world’s best real-time threat detection system. Our mission is to empower the private security industry with next-gen AI solutions, such as smart object detection, thermal screening, intrusion detection, behavior recognition, and more.

Please contact us with any questions or if you are interested in this solution.